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Emergency Instructions


Life can be unexpected, and often without warning, accidents happen. Whether you feel a minor toothache or you’re facing the aftermath of a bad fall, it’s crucial to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. Putting off treatment can have serious consequences on your smile and oral health.


dental emergency can be any type of pain that’s affecting the oral region such as a toothache or a physical injury. A broken oral appliance or braces with a damaged bracket can also constitute a dental emergency. If you’ve experienced a dental emergency, contact our office immediately at 315-376-3121 so we can address the problem and restore your smile.

Our Doctors explain what to do in the case of several dental emergencies and how we can help.


Patients often brush off a toothache, but it could be an indication of a more serious problem. If a toothache develops, clean the area with a soft-bristled brush and floss. Then rinse with warm salt water.

We recommend taking ibuprofen, or Advil (if unable to take Ibuprofen, you can take acetaminophen, or Tylenol), and applying a cold compress to relieve any swelling. Avoid placing an aspirin on the gums or teeth, as it may cause a burning feeling. If the ache persists, call us as soon as possible so we can recommend the appropriate course of action.

Knocked Out Tooth

If a permanent tooth has been avulsed, or completely knocked out, call our office immediately to arrange an emergency visit. We may be able to save the tooth if you get to our office on time. 

Find the tooth, and holding it by its crown, gently rinse it off to remove dirt and any debris. Don’t scrub the tooth — if it doesn’t hurt too much, gently place the tooth back in its socket until you see one of our emergency dentists. Otherwise, transport the tooth in a container with milk or your own saliva.

Loose Teeth

A tooth that’s loose or comes part way out of the socket  is referred to as an extruded.  Place a cold compress on the tooth and take over-the-counter medication for the pain. Then call our office right away. 

One of our Doctors will take the necessary measures to save the tooth and protect it from infection.

Fractured Teeth

Fractured, chipped, or cracked teeth require immediate dental care to prevent further damage and infection. It’s important to rinse your mouth with warm water to keep it clean and come in for treatment as soon as possible.

The treatment will depend on the severity of the fracture. After our emergency dentist assesses the damage, we’ll be able to determine the best option to restore your tooth. Treatments may include smoothing out the chip, dental bonding, or placing a crown (cap) over the damaged tooth.

In some cases, root canal therapy may be necessary during your emergency visit or at a later date to protect the tooth from further infection.

Soft Tissue Injury

If you’ve bitten yourself or cut a part of your mouth and there’s bleeding, apply firm pressure with a gauze or clean cloth. If bleeding doesn’t stop within 15 minutes, you should visit our office for emergency care. Severe cuts may require sutures, or stitches, to help your mouth heal. 

Otherwise, we recommend cleaning the area with warm water on a piece of gauze or clean cloth. Then apply an ice compress to the bruised or swollen area to relieve any pain. If it doesn’t subside, contact our office for further instructions.